Population genetics of Glossina fuscipes fuscipes from southern Chad
- 1. IRD
- 2. Ired
- 3. IAEA
- 4. IAEA/Cirad
- 5. Cirdes
- 6. PNLTHA, Ndjaména, Tchad
- 7. Université Nazi Boni, Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso
- 8. Cogitamus Laboratory, France
The word file "Manuscript-GffTchadSpatial-3rdRound-06-03-2023NoTrackChanges.docx" is the main text of the manuscript, without track changes after a 2nd round of reviews by PCI Animal Zoology.
The word file "Manuscript-GffTchadSpatial-3rdRound-06-03-2023WithTrackChanges.docx" is the main text of the manuscript, with track changes after a 2nd round of reviews by PCI Animal Zoology.
The Excel file "Gff-TchadDataSupFileS1.xlsx" is the supplementary file S1 containing the raw data analysed in the manuscript.
The file "GffChadMapNCohortDateFigS1.jpg" is the supplemetary figure S1 with a map for localization of the different traps where tsetse flies were captured
The Powerpoint file "DokTimb2012-2018GoogleEarthSupFileS2.pptx" is the supplementary file S2 and contains several slides of Google Earth screen shots of the region between two villages of Southern Chad at different dates.
The Text file "GffChadSpatialTrapsDAPC.txt" contains the raw data formatted for DAPC analysis of the package adegenet of R
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