TRIPLE Conference "Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science" (1-3 February 2023)
The final conference of the TRIPLE project "Improving Discovery and Collaboration in Open Science" took place from the 1st to the 3rd February 2023 in Bonn, Germany. The documentation of the conference includes the presentation and the transcript of the introduction held by scientific coordinator Suzanne Dumouchel as well as the conference brochure including the programme and abstracts for presentations, workshops and posters that were held, given and presented at the conference.
Day 1, 1 February 2023
Leslie Chan (University of Toronto): Platform and Knowledge Production in the Age of A.I.
Sy Holsinger (OPERAS AISBL): OPERAS Service Portfolio and Wider Opportunities
Tomasz Umerle (IBL PAN) &Agnieska Karlińska (IBL PAN): The Role of Open Metadata in the SSH Scholarly Communication - Current Challenges in the Context of the TRIPLE Project:
Poster Session:
Gualandi, Bianca: Managing Humanities Research Data
Judith Schulte: OPERAS
Tomasz Hoffmann (PSNC) & Marta Błaszczyńska (IBL PAN): Dariah.Lab: Interdisciplinary Collaboration of Humanities and Technology
Deborah Grbac (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore): Open Science and Digital Humanities in the United Nations Depository Libraries System
Day 2, 2 February 2023
Andrea Rapp (TU Darmstadt): Research Communities, Visibility and Infrastructure: The Impact of Open Science
Caroline Delmazo (University of Coimbra) & Dulce Freire (University of Coimbra): Collaboration and Beyond: the Interdisciplinary Research With and Within the ReSEED Project
Tiziana Lombardo (Net7): Developing a Collaboratory for Diverse SSH Citizen Stakeholders - the VERA-Design
Martina Petrinovic (DPUH): Participatory Mapping of Cultural Heritage in Remote Areas - Potential to Engage the Local Community
Cezary Rosiński (IBL PAN) & Nikodem Wolczuk (IBL PAN): Linked Data Services as a Necessity for Current Metadata Aggregators in the SSH
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7704959
Alessandro Bertozzi: A Small Step, a Big Jump: GoTriple and Linked Open Data
Patryk Hubar (IBL PAN) & Marcin Giersz (IBL PAN): European Literary Bibliography:Aggregation and Harmonization of Literary Bibliographical Data
Panel Discussion:
Panel Discussion: Training and Reusability
Moderator: Di Donato, Francesca
Sonja Filipovska: FAIR-by-design Methodology for Learning Resources: Skils4EOSC and NI4OS-Europe
Lottie Provost: TRIPLE OS Training Series: Achievements, Lessons Learnt, Next Challenges
Monica Monachini: A FAIR Training Platform for Italian Humanities and Heritage. Building on the CLARIN and SSHOC Experience
Irena Vipavc Brvar: Training in EOSC Future Project
Day 3, 3 February 2023
Ari Asmi (RDA): Internationalising European Open Science Initiatives: A decade of Research Data Alliance
Elea Gimenéz (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) & Pablo Calleja (Universidad Politécnica Madrid): Other Outputs, Other Languages: Discovering Entities Inside Academic Books in Spanish
Susanna Fiorini (OPERAS AISBL): Translations and Open Science: Translation as a Collaborative Practice at the Heart of Open Science
Michael Freiberg (University of Gießen): Semantic MediaWiki as a Research Tool
Connecting Within-discipline Infrastructures in Support of Cross-disciplinary Collaborations to Tackle Global Challenges for Open Science Collaborations & Multilingualism
CESSDA Data Catalogue - What can be Done at the Catalogue End and What Needs Harmonized Metadata?
GoTriple's Data
How to become a GoTriple provider?
World-Café: It's German Cofee and Cake o'clock - Chatting Openly About Discovery with Representatives From Germany