Published December 9, 2022 | Version v2
Report Open

iMAR 2022: Integrated assessment of the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge in the Azores region - Cruise Report.

  • 1. Okeanos & IMAR Instituto do Mar, University of the Azores, 9901-862 Horta, Portugal
  • 2. Instituto Hidrográfico, Portugal


The iMAR 2022 cruise “Integrated assessment of the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR) in the Azores region” took place aboard the Research Vessel Pelagia of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ) between July 28th and August 4th 2022. This expedition was the second leg of the iMAR cruise funded by the SEA OCEANS program of Eurofleets+ and the H2020 European project iAtlantic. It was led by the University of the Azores (Portugal) in collaboration with the Hydrographic Institute (IH), the University of Porto (Portugal), the University of Aarhus (Denmark), the National Oceanography Center (United Kingdom), GEOMAR (Germany), the University Museum of Bergen (Norway), the PP Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russia), and the University of Vale do Itajaí (Brazil). During this cruise, we explored under-visited portions of the southern sector of the MAR in the Azores region and associated ridges and seamounts between 300 and 1,200 m depth (Figure 1): (1) unnamed seamount (coded B14) and Alfa seamount, (2) ridges around the Menez Gwen hydrothermal vent area, (3) A16 seamount and Cabeçote hills, (4) Sarda N and Sarda NE seamounts, (5) Farpas ridge, and (6) Voador seamount. On most sampling locations, we collected multibeam data, CTD measurements, water and sediment samples, as well as towed camera video transects along with ADCP data to survey deep-sea coral and sponge communities. Water samples will be used to characterize water masses properties (nutrients and physical-chemical parameters) and also for biodiversity analyses through eDNA methods. Sediment samples (collected at 1,000 m depth) will be used for biodiversity analyses through faunal studies and eDNA methods, the presence of microplastics, granulometry analyses, and physical-chemical studies. Although the data has yet to be analysed in detail, the iMAR 2022 cruise revealed some exciting discoveries. We have identified new areas that fit the FAO definition of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME), and compiled valuable scientific information to inform the development of policies that promote the preservation of the natural heritage, ensuring the sustainable use of the deep sea, minimizing negative impacts on these vulnerable ecosystems.



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European Commission
iAtlantic – Integrated Assessment of Atlantic Marine Ecosystems in Space and Time 818123
European Commission
EurofleetsPlus – An alliance of European marine research infrastructure to meet the evolving needs of the research and industrial communities. 824077