Published January 1, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

IRIS Advanced Threat Intelligence Orchestrator- A Way to Manage Cybersecurity Challenges of IoT Ecosystems in Smart Cities


This paper provides an overview of the Advanced Threat Intelligence Orchestrator in assisting organizations and society's first responders in managing, prioritizing, and sharing information related to cyber security incidents. In order to accomplish this, the capabilities and benefits of security, orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR) systems, on which Orchestrator is based, were promoted. The results of this survey conducted as part of the IRIS EU-funded project to protect Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven ICT-enabled systems from cyber threats and attacks on their privacy facilitating SOC/CSIRTs/CERTs. In this context, the tool is explored in methods of orchestrating and automating cyber security processes and routines. The open-source tool that was chosen for the creation of Advanced Threat Intelligence Orchestrator was SHUFFLE. SHUFFLE gives a wide variety of functionalities as it can be integrated with numerous tools and APIS. Furthermore, the provision of schematic workflows with action steps makes the stakeholders' interface more intuitive. 


GIoTS 2022


IRIS Advanced Threat Intelligence Orchestrator A way to manage cybersecurity challenges of IoT ecosystems in Smart Cities (1).pdf

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European Commission
IRIS – artificial Intelligence threat Reporting and Incident response System 101021727