Published June 7, 2021 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

How can we better Manage Water for Food and Public Health in a Changing World

  • 1. KWB


Europe’s waters are under mounting pressure. Agricultural and industrial activities as well as
increased urbanisation trigger pollution, over-abstraction and modification of water bodies.
Digital technologies such as mobile devices, sensor networks, real-time monitoring, cloud
computing, machine learning, and modelling tools are acknowledged as key enabler to
improve the management of water infrastructures while at the same time considering
interoperability, cybersecurity and governance aspects.


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820954.


Schwarzmueller_2021_IWRA_How can we better Manage Water for Food and Public Health in a Changing World.pdf

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European Commission
DWC – - Leading urban water management to its digital future 820954