Published March 2, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Hourly discharge database HydroCH

  • 1. Geography Institute, University of Bern;Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research, University of Bern;Mobiliar Lab for Natural Risks, University of Bern
  • 2. Geography Institute, University of Bern;Amt für Geoinformation des Kantons Bern
  • 3. Geography Institute, University of Bern


Hourly discharge data covering the whole hydrological Switzerland (i.e. 291 catchments in Switzerland plus those in the neighbouring countries: Austria, France, Germany and Italy).

Note: all coordinates in Inventory_discharge_hydroCH.xlsx are provided in the Swiss coordinate system CH1903/LV03 (EPSG: 21781)

**## FORMAT ##**

All data are in winter time = UTC+1=MEZ=CET, 
and the notation for the hourly data is HH=(HH):00-(HH+1):00 

=> this corresponds to the format used by the FOEN

All files are saved with the ending **_Q_hourly.asc (see the overview file for all details about the stations and the corresponding file names)

All data are are save in 5 columns separated by tabs (year, month, day, hour, 'Q.' followed by the ID6 name given to the station):

YYYY    MM    DD    HH    Q.**stationID6** 


**## OVERVIEW ##**

Please find an overview of all available data in Inventory_discharge_hydroCH.xlsx


**## DATA SOURCES ##**

Data were kindly provided for Switzerland and for the four neighbouring countries by

Switzerland (CH): Swiss Federal Office of the Environment (FOEN), Ittigen, Switzerland;
                  data provided 17th April 2020
Austria (A): Office of the Federal State of Vorarlberg, Division of Water Management, Bregenz, Austria (VRB);
             data provided 20th August 2019
             Data from the LAMAH-CE data set by Klingler et al.2021 (LAMAH)
Germany (DE): Bavarian State Office for the Environment – Hydrographic Service, Munich, Germany (GKDB)
              data downloaded from on 14th May 2019 and 5th October 2020;
              State Agency for the Environment Baden-Württemberg – Hydrographic Service, Karlsruhe, Germany (LUBW)
              data downloaded from on 26th October 2020
France (FR):  french database of discharge Banque Hydro (; 
                                                         see also
                                                         for scripted help in downloading (webscrapping) flow rates data from the french database);
                       data downloaded between December 2019 and January 2020
Italy (I): Italy (I): ARPA Lombardia (the regional agency for environmental protection for the region Lombardia), Milano, Italy;
           data provided in November 2020
           ARPA Piemonte (the regional agency for environmental protection for the region Piemonte), Torino, Italy;
           data provided in October 2020    



Please find additional information in the document Zusatzinfos.docx (for now only in German)


**## REFERENCES ##**

Klingler, C., Schulz, K., and Herrnegger, M.: LamaH-CE: LArge-SaMple DAta for Hydrology and Environmental Sciences for Central Europe, 
                                              Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 4529–4565,, 2021


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