Published June 30, 2022 | Version 1.0
Project deliverable Open

iHelp: Conceptual model and reference architecture II


iHelp aims to early detect and mitigate the risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer applying advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based techniques to support the actors of the system. Those techniques are performed on historic data of cancer patients gathered from existing cohorts and biobanks. The models developed through the AI-based learning techniques will be useful to identify the risk earlier, and to elaborate a mitigation plan.
To this end, iHelp will use and extend the paradigm of Holistic Health Records (HHR) (K., A., B., + 17), in order to aggregate and re-use data needed by the Artificial Intelligence for developing their models. Several different sources will feed the common shared informative base, and for achieving this goal, a framework for the data ingestion will be provided for the pre-elaboration of different data in order to let it flow towards the shared data model.
The purpose of this deliverable is to provide the consortium with a common high-level view about the whole solution. The details of each software artefact are delegated to the respective leader and will be described in the related deliverables.
During the period from M9 to M18, the consortium had several virtual and hybrid meetings to collect information and to agree about a common architecture. After the first released architecture in M8, thanks to the improved knowledge of the technical partners, and the details provided, some refinements were made.
The common agreement was reached about the general view, the platform will be constituted by containerised services, both from the data ingestion and the data analysis, with slight differences explained in this document.
The input of this deliverable was the D2.3 (“State of the art and Requirements Analysis III”) (M., A., C., + 22), that was analysed, and from which the needed components and interactions are identified and updated accordingly during this period.
This deliverable is being released at M18 of the project, and it will be useful for the D2.7 (“Functional and Non-Functional specifications II”) for defining its purpose, and to all the technical partners as reference architecture for the whole iHelp solution.
This is the final release of the architecture overview document for the iHelp project.



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