Peculiarities of Decoration and Form of Church Objects: Comparative Aspect
The purpose of the study is to analyse the development trends of the church objects and to draw a parallel between the main artistic focus principles of the ornamental elements’ employment and their various motifs established by the church canons. The research methodology is to apply the methods of analysis and synthesis, methods’ systematisation and generalisation. In particular, the comparative method of analysis was applied in order to compare and opposite the church objects, and the method of artistic analysis was necessary for the interpretation of creative processes and compositional features. The research novelty is in the following priorities: the comprehensive explanation of the origin and development of processional crucifixes and crosiers as a specific artistic phenomenon and an integral part of the devotional art; explanation of artistic features of the church objects (liturgical, altarpiece) processional crucifixes, crosiers, monstrances (pyxis). Conclusions. As a result of the research, materials on many things of religious purpose that represent the sacred heritage preserved in Western Ukraine were introduced into scientific use. We have identified the sacral church objects that have the irrefutable common artistic and style patterns, and have revealed the main development stages and art features of the research objects of the church space that are an integral part of the national artistic heritage.
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