Cultural and Leisure Centre as Innovative Institution of Personal Development
The purpose of the article is to identify the peculiarities of the activities of cultural and leisure centres as innovative institutions in the system of a globalised society. The structures that determine the dynamics of social and cultural space advancement in the organisation of leisure are cultural and leisure centres. The physical, social, and intellectual growth and development of the individual depend on leisure activities, so we consider it relevant to determine and predict the cultural needs of the public, which, in turn, raises the rates of the leisure industry development. The research methodology applies empirical research methods, with the help of which we have described and analysed leisure activities within Ukrainian society. Scientific novelty. For the first time, there is a study of the organisation of cultural and leisure institutions for personal development. Conclusions. Leisure activities stimulate the growth of creative manner; lay the groundwork for identifying and satisfying the freedom to choose leisure needs and interests. It is proved that to preserve cultural identity, it is necessary to expand the list of services in the cultural and leisure field because it provides folk customs, holidays, folklore, traditions, and rituals above all things. And if you take into account the wishes of visitors, you can achieve a high intellectual level; improve the psychological, moral fibre, and physical condition of a person. It is noted that the effective use of leisure time promotes all-round, community-minded and proactive individuals, and is also a way to bring the interests of various social groups and peoples together. The article indicates the methods and means that help to involve the audience in the process of activity in leisure conditions (game, theatre, competitions, the method of equal spiritual contact, criticism, imitation); the need for motivation and diversity. The latter depends on the ethic level and cultural intelligence of the person, and can have social value, be neutral or antisocial.
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