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Published January 15, 2023 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Cross-modal networks and dual softmax operation for MediaEval NewsImages 2022

  • 1. CERTH-ITI


Matching images to articles is challenging and can be considered a special version of the cross-media retrieval problem. This working note paper presents our solution for the MediaEval NewsImages benchmarking task. We investigated the performance of two cross-modal networks, a pre-trained network and a trainable one, the latter originally developed for text-video retrieval tasks and adapted to the NewsImages task. Moreover, we utilize a method for revising the similarities produced by either one of the cross-modal networks, i.e., a dual softmax operation, to improve our solutions’ performance. We report the official results for our submitted runs and additional experiments we conducted to evaluate our runs internally.



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CRiTERIA – Comprehensive data-driven Risk and Threat Assessment Methods for the Early and Reliable Identification, Validation and Analysis of migration-related risks 101021866
European Commission