Published February 22, 2023 | Version 1.0.0
Dataset Open

Gaussian Process Model and Sensor Placement for Detroit Green Infrastructure: Datasets and Code

  • 1. University of Michigan


  1. Zip folder containing a folder titled "code" which holds:
    1. csv file titled "MonitoredRainGardens.csv" containing the 14 monitored green infrastructure (GI) sites with their design and physiographic features;
    2. csv file titled "storm_constants.csv" which contain the computed decay constants for every storm in every GI during the measurement period;
    3. csv file titled "newGIsites_AllData.csv" which contain the other 130 GI sites in Detroit and their design and physiographic features;
    4. csv file titled "Detroit_Data_MeanDesignFeatures.csv" which contain the design and physiographic features for all of Detroit;
    5. Jupyter notebook titled "GI_GP_SensorPlacement.ipynb" which provides the code for training the GP models and displaying the sensor placement results;
    6. a folder titled "MATLAB" which contains the following:
      1. folder titled "SFO" which contains the SFO toolbox for the sensor placement work
      2. file titled "sensor_placement.mlx" that contains the code for the sensor placement work
      3. several .mat files created in Python for importing into Matlab for the sensor placement work: "constants_sigma.mat", "constants_coords.mat", "GInew_sigma.mat", "GInew_coords.mat",  and "R1_sensor.mat" through "R6_sensor.mat"
      4. several .mat files created in Matalb for importing into Python for visualizing the results: "MI_DETselectedGI.mat" and "DETselectedGI.mat"


This project is a continuation of the project described here: .


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U.S. National Science Foundation
CAREER: Toward a theory for smart stormwater systems 1750744
U.S. National Science Foundation
SCC-IRG Track 1: Overcoming Social and Technical Barriers for the Broad Adoption of Smart Stormwater Systems 1737432