Published December 31, 2005 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Neogloboquadrina pachyderma


Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (Ehrenberg, 1861)

Fig. 6J

Aristerospira pachyderma: Ehrenberg 1861: 303.

Globigerina pachyderma: Bé 1960: 64–68.

Globoquadrina pachyderma: Cifelli 1982: 9, pl. 12, figs 2, 3.

Neogloboquadrina pachyderma: Kemle-von Mücke & Hemleben 1999: 66, fig. 6.27; Dale & McMillan 1999: 65, pl. 30, fig. 1.

Material examined: A27426.

Distribution: This species is nearly restricted to polar water masses, and is often the only planktic species in Antarctic and Arctic waters. Around South Africa, Sea Point. Recorded by McMillan (1987 a) from the coast of Namibia and by Dale and McMillan (1999) and Rogers and Bremner (1991) from the west coast of South Africa.


Published as part of Toefy, R., Gibbons, M. J. & McMillan, I. K., 2005, The foraminifera associated with the alga Gelidium pristoides, South Africa, pp. 1-26 in African Invertebrates 46 on page 20, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7664789


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  • BE, A. W. H. 1960. Some observations on arctic planktonic foraminifera. Contributions from the Cushman Foundation for Foraminiferal Research 11 (2): 64 - 68.
  • CIFELLI, R. 1982. Textural observations on some living species of planktonic foraminifera. Smithsonian Contributions to Paleobiology 45: 1 - 45.
  • KEMLE- VON MUCKE, S. & HEMLEBEN, C. 1999. Foraminifera. In: Boltovskoy, D., ed., South Atlantic Zooplankton. Vol 1. Leiden: Backhuys Publishers, pp. 43 - 73.
  • MCMILLAN, I. K. 1987 a. Late Quaternary foraminifera from the southern part of offshore South West Africa / Namibia. PhD thesis, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth.
  • ROGERS, J. & BREMNER, J. M. 1991. The Benguela Ecosystem. Part VII. Marine-Geological Aspects. Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review 29: 1 - 85.