TRIPLE Delieverable 7.4: Final Report on Exploitation and Sustainability Strategy
- 1. KNOW
- 3. CNR
Within the present report, we provide the final outcome of TRIPLE’s exploitation and sustainability strategy. Our primary focus was and still is on creating a valuable and viable business model for TRIPLE’s main Key Exploitable Result (KER 1): the GoTriple Discovery Platform. At the very beginning of the report, we give an update on all our exploitation activities and an overview of the exploitation related-reports created within the project runtime.
Besides the GoTriple platform, the TRIPLE project has achieved even more exploitable results. Section 2 gives an overview of these and briefly describes five KERs (KER 2-6) by providing a short description, a maturity classification and information on sustainability. Three KERs (KER 2, 5 and 6)are described in more detail due to the integration in the Horizon Results Booster Service (ECsupport action to maximise the impact of publicly funded research within the EU) activities.
The main focus of this report lies in the business plan for GoTriple to secure the economic sustainability of the platform. Herewith we are covering all relevant aspects of the business plan starting with the results of a Business Opportunity Self-Assessment, followed by a definition of a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) for GoTriple, providing market insights regarding early adopters, market size estimations, market trends, and competition. After that, we present the TRIPLE Governance framework in the form of the “GoTriple Committee” which defines the responsibilities, practices and procedures to set the strategic direction, allocate the resources and specify the integration into OPERAS. In the financial section of the business plan, we provide insight into the cost estimates and the expected revenues. In the last part of the business plan, we give an outlook on the activities, roles and milestones for the first year after the end of the project.
In the report's final section, we summarise the project’s contribution to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) in the form of a position paper of the TRIPLE consortium by pointing out concrete needs and open questions.
D7.4 Final Report on Exploitation and Susainability Strategy_TRIPLE.pdf
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