Published February 21, 2023 | Version
Journal article Open

Role of Leadership in Economic Transformation from Dying Village to a Living Village

  • 1. DhyanaPura University, Bali, Indonesia


: Blimbingsari village changed, by moving the four elements (spiritual, work ethics, social capital and entrepreneurship) resulting in a change of the rural infrastructure, economic development and institutional as well as the creative economy of the village. The role of the village leader and spiritual leader role affect change in rural communities. The method used in this study is a qualitative research. Techniques of data collection is done with interviews, gathering documents and triangulation. The findings are: First, the leader gives a positive value through the process of socio-economic transformation have actualize in the middle of the village of Blimbingsari; Second, the village leader Blimbingsari intervene against factors of spiritual values, work ethics, social capital and entrepreneurial factors; Third, the process of socio-economic transformation have actualize in the village of Blimbingsari and occurs in a long time as a long process



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