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Published February 17, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Restricted

Advancement of Agricultural Finance in India: A Chronicled Point of View


Abstract: Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy; Still, 65% population depends upon agriculture for their livelihood. Arranging finance for their agriculture activities was the biggest challenge in front of the cultivators of rural India. The present paper represents an overview of the historical and theoretical advancement of agricultural finance arranged by different institutions, basically after the Independence of India. This paper attempts to represent the traditional way of arranging agricultural finance and its advancement to the modern time; it also represents some of the problems of Indian agriculture. The study concludes about agricultural finance and the growth of its intuitional structure and development in India. It also focuses on the problems of agricultural finance after Independence. This paper is unique in its feature as it has tried to link the evolution of agriculture finance and the growth and development of agricultural economics after the Independence of India.

Keywords: Agricultural Finance, Moneylenders, Institutional Finance



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