Published March 4, 2021 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Joint Modelling of Wave Energy Flux and Wave Direction

  • 1. Institute of Oceanography, Hellenic Centre for Marine Research
  • 2. Cyprus Marine and Maritime Institute


In the context of wave resource assessment, the description of wave climate is usually confined to significant wave height and  energy period. However, the accurate joint description of both linear and directional wave energy characteristics is essential for the proper and detailed optimization of wave energy converters. In this work, the joint probabilistic description of wave energy flux and wave direction is performed and evaluated. Parametric univariate models are implemented for the description of wave energy flux and wave direction. For wave energy flux, conventional, and mixture distributions are examined while for wave direction proven and efficient finite mixtures of von Mises distributions are used. The bivariate modelling is based on the implementation of the Johnson–Wehrly model. The examined models are applied on long-term measured wave data at three offshore locations in Greece and hindcast numerical wave model data at three locations in the western Mediterranean, the North Sea, and the North Atlantic Ocean. A global criterion that combines five individual goodness-of-fit criteria into a single expression is used to evaluate the performance of bivariate models. From the optimum bivariate model, the expected wave energy flux as function of wave direction and the distribution of wave energy flux for the mean and most probable wave directions are also obtained.



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CMMI – MaRITeC-X – Marine and Maritime Research, Innovation, Technology Centre of Excellence 857586
European Commission


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