Silva 138.1 database for NGS-4-ECOPROD
Modified version (blastn ready) of the file SILVA_138.1_SSURef_NR99_tax_silva_trunc.fasta.gz for NGS-4-ECOPROD pipeline.
SILVA references:
Quast C, Pruesse E, Yilmaz P, Gerken J, Schweer T, Yarza P, Peplies J, Glöckner FO (2013) The SILVA ribosomal RNA gene database project: improved data processing and web-based tools. Nucl. Acids Res. 41 (D1): D590-D596.
Yilmaz P, Parfrey LW, Yarza P, Gerken J, Pruesse E, Quast C, Schweer T, Peplies J, Ludwig W, Glöckner FO (2014) The SILVA and "All-species Living Tree Project (LTP)" taxonomic frameworks. Nucl. Acids Res. 42:D643-D648
Glöckner FO, Yilmaz P, Quast C, Gerken J, Beccati A, Ciuprina A, Bruns G, Yarza P, Peplies J, Westram R, Ludwig W (2017) 25 years of serving the community with ribosomal RNA gene reference databases and tools. J. Biotechnol.