Published June 21, 2022 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Cognitive predictors of Social processing in congenital atypical development.

  • 1. Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea
  • 2. Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea; University of Trieste
  • 3. Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea; Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
  • 4. IRCCS Mondino Foundation; University of Pavia
  • 5. Scientific Institute, IRCCS E. Medea; University of Udine


Raw data used for the article: Cognitive predictors of Social processing in congenital atypical development.

According to current accounts of social cognition, the emergence of verbal and non-verbal components of social perception might rely on the acquisition of different cognitive abilities. These components might be differently sensitive to the pattern of neuropsychological impairments in congenital neurodevelopmental disorders. Here, we explored the association between social and non-social cognitive domains by administering subtests of the NEPSY-II battery to 92 patients with Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD). Regardless the level of intellectual functioning and presence of congenital brain malformations, results revealed that visuospatial skills predicted emotion recognition and verbal component of Theory of Mind, whereas imitation predicted the non-verbal one. Future interventions might focus on spatial and sensorimotor abilities to boost the development of social cognition in IDD.


This study was funded by the Italian Ministry of Health (Ricerca Finalizzata 2013: NET-2013-02356160-4 to RB; Ricerca finalizzata 2016: GR-2016-02363640 to CU; Ricerca corrente 2019 to RR)


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