Metrics As Scores Dataset: Metrics and Domains From the Qualitas.class corpus
This dataset was created by extracting software metrics data from the Qualitas.class corpus (Terra et al. 2013; Tempero et al. 2010). Therefore, the principal quantity type is Metric, and the context is given by a system’s Domain (e.g., "Game", "Middleware", etc.). Some metrics were obtained on program-level, while others are package- or method-level metrics. Most of the metrics in the corpus are of discrete/integral nature. The corpus holds 23 types of pre-computed software metrics for a total of 111 systems which are spread across eleven different domains.
This dataset has the following discrete Quantity Types (Metrics):
- CA: Afferent Coupling
- CE: Efferent Coupling
- DIT: Depth of Inheritance Tree
- MLOC: Method Lines of Code
- NBD: Nested Block Depth
- NOC: Number of Classes
- NOF: Number of Attributes
- NOI: Number of Interfaces
- NOM: Number of Methods
- NOP: Number of Packages
- NORM: Number of Overridden Methods
- NSC: Number of Children
- NSF: Number of Static Attributes
- NSM: Number of Static Methods
- PAR: Number of Parameters
- TLOC: Total Lines of Code
- VG: McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity
- WMC: Weighted Methods per Class
The following Metrics are continuous:
- LCOM: Lack of Cohesion in Methods
- RMA: Abstractness
- RMD: Normalized Distance
- RMI: Instability
- SIX: Specialization Index
It has a total of 11 Contexts (Domains): 3D; Graphics; Media, Databases, Diagrams; Visualiz., Games, IDE, Middleware, Parsers; Generators, Progr. Language, SDK, Testing, and Tool.
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Additional details
- Hönel, Sebastian, Morgan Ericsson, Welf Löwe, and Anna Wingkvist. 2022. "Contextual Operationalization of Metrics as Scores: Is My Metric Value Good?" In 22nd IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security, QRS 2022, Guangzhou, China, December 5-9, 2022, 333–43. IEEE.
- Terra, Ricardo, Luis Fernando Miranda, Marco Túlio Valente, and Roberto da Silva Bigonha. 2013. "Qualitas.class Corpus: A Compiled Version of the Qualitas Corpus." ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes 38 (5): 1–4.