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Published February 11, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Prevention and Mitigation of Forest and Land Fires in Riau Province in Support of National Security


This study aims to analyze cross-sector collaboration in Riau Province in preventing and mitigating forest and land fires. The research methodology used by researchers is qualitative research using in-depth interview data collection techniques in Focus Group Discussions conducted by Disaster Management at the Indonesian Defense University. The results of this study indicate that forest and land fire disaster management in Riau Province has been very good which can be seen from the decrease in the number of forest and land fires in 2015 - 2021. This is due to the cooperation of various parties such as the Riau Provincial Government, the Regional Disaster Management Agency Riau, National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesian Military, Indonesian Police and Society. Each relevant stakeholder plays their respective duties and roles in preventing forest and land fires in Riau Province.



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