EDITORIAL Renaming taxa on ethical grounds threatens nomenclatural stability and scientific communication
- Ceríaco, Luis M P
- Aescht, Erna
- Ahyong, Shane T
- Ballerio, Alberto
- Bouchard, Patrice
- Bourgoin, Thierry
- Dmitriev, Dmitry
- Evenhuis, Neal
- Grygier, Mark J
- Harvey, Mark S
- Kottelat, Maurice
- Kluge, Nikita
- Krell, Frank-T
- Kojima, Jun-Ichi
- Kullander, Sven O
- Lucinda, Paulo
- Lyal, Christopher H C
- Pyle, Richard L
- Rheindt, Frank E
- Luisa Scioscia, Cristina
- Welter-Schultes, Francisco
- Whitmore, Daniel
- Yanega, Douglas
- Zhang, Zhi-Qiang
- Zhou, Hong-Zhang
- Pape, Thomas
Ceríaco, Luis M P, Aescht, Erna, Ahyong, Shane T, Ballerio, Alberto, Bouchard, Patrice, Bourgoin, Thierry, Dmitriev, Dmitry, Evenhuis, Neal, Grygier, Mark J, Harvey, Mark S, Kottelat, Maurice, Kluge, Nikita, Krell, Frank-T, Kojima, Jun-Ichi, Kullander, Sven O, Lucinda, Paulo, Lyal, Christopher H C, Pyle, Richard L, Rheindt, Frank E, Luisa Scioscia, Cristina, Welter-Schultes, Francisco, Whitmore, Daniel, Yanega, Douglas, Zhang, Zhi-Qiang, Zhou, Hong-Zhang, Pape, Thomas (2023): EDITORIAL Renaming taxa on ethical grounds threatens nomenclatural stability and scientific communication. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 197 (2): 283-286, DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlac107, URL: https://academic.oup.com/zoolinnean/article/197/2/283/6994476
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- urn:lsid:plazi.org:pub:FFCEB749287BFFCFD67051025967FF8F
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- Cites
- Publication: 10.1126/article.33985 (DOI)
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