Published February 9, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The organizational and economic aspects of management, efficiency of use and development of personnel at the enterprise under martial law



management, the efficiency of the use and development of personnel at an enterprise under martial law.
The aim of the research is to determine the main trends and the program of organizational and
economic measures to improve the efficiency of the use of personnel at the enterprise under martial law.
Research methods. In the process of writing the article, general scientific and special methods
were used to study economic phenomena and processes that are inherent in the study of enterprise
personnel management under martial law.
Results of the investigation. Because of writing the article, it was found that with the start of a full–
scale war between Russia and Ukraine, all processes in the state slowed down or almost stopped. It has been
proven that this problem has not bypassed both employees and employers, where the latter have suffered
losses due to the forced migration of their personnel in order to ensure their safety. It has been established
that personnel management in the conditions of a full–scale war is manifested in a targeted impact on the
organizational behavior of employees, aimed at activating their unused professional and spiritual capabilities,
stabilizing the emotional state of subordinates and ensuring security for all enterprise personnel. It has been
determined that one of the most important problems at present in the field of personnel management is to
ensure the efficiency and further development of personnel in the enterprise, since it is the personnel, as a key
factor, that will stand in the way of the country’s recovery after a large–scale war.
Scope of the results. Labor economics, management, labor resources management, personnel
potential, enterprise economics.
Conclusions. It has been determined that the formation, retention and development of the personnel
of the enterprise, its effective use, ensuring the high quality of human resources in the future will
become decisive factors in the efficiency of production and the competitiveness of products both for
the enterprise in particular and for the country’s economy as a whole. It has been proved that in order
to determine the organizational and economic aspects of management, the effectiveness of the use
and development of personnel at an enterprise under martial law, it is necessary to use the general
trends in personnel management, based on the factors of influence that will take place in the post–war
recovery of the country’s economy.



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