Published December 23, 2019 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Erysimum mutabile Boiss. & Heldr.

  • 1. Missouri Botanical Garden 4344 Shaw Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63110, USA
  • 2. Conservatoire et Jardin botaniques de la Ville de Genève Case postale 71 1292 Chambésy, Switzerland


Erysimum mutabile Boiss. & Heldr. in Boiss., Diagn. Pl. Orient. 8: 24. 1849.

Type: “Hab. in saxosis montium Lassiti Cretae alt. circ. 5000' et rarissimè in monte Idâ (Heldreich.) Floret Maio ”.

Holotypus: GREECE: “In saxosis. Montagnes de Lassiti (Monte Lazzaro et Astheuti). Très rare au Mt Ida ”, 5000' [1520 m], 9.V.1846, Heldreich 1492 (G-BOIS [G00332135]; iso-: B [B100249679], BP, GOET [GOET002593], JE [JE00001857], K [K000693741], KW [KW000127967], W [W 0064325, W 0064326, W 0064327], WU [WU0075978]).

Notes. – The holotype is a collection folder of two sheets, the first one has a label in French and was annotated by Polatschek in 1972 as the lectotype. The second sheet has two labels in Latin and was annotated by Polatschek as syntypes. However, both sheets belong to the same collection as discussed below. Label of the holotype sheet was written by Heldreich in French with his field collection number (1492), date of collection, and rarity of the species in Mt. Ida. By contrast, the isotypes were distributed as exsiccatae with printed, handwritten labels by Boissier in Latin but as Heldreich s.n. and without day of collection. Despite that, all belong to the same collection, as done by Boissier for many taxa collected by various botanists who co-authored those taxa with him.


Published as part of AL-Shehbaz, Ihsan A. & Barriera, Gabrielle, 2019, Typification of Edmond Boissier's Cruciferae (Brassicaceae) names enumerated in Flora Orientalis, pp. 1-193 in Boissiera 72 on page 39, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7630433


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