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Published May 18, 2016 | Version v1
Journal article Open




The website dictionary states feminisms is a theory of the political economic and social equality of success. This word was coined in the year 1885 and said to be organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests. Roxanne Dunbar 1968 stated it has must which is to be assisted by women….as the bases of revolutionary social change. There are three terms which require clarity in relation to their differentiated meanings. The first term is femaleness, the second felinity and the third is feminism. The term female focuses on physical and biological differentiation between man and women, which provides genetic variations necessary for reproduction and hereditary purpose. The Basic principles of Feminism are it is a philosophy which shares the progressive thought since the enlighten of the principle equal work of all human beings.The unequal treatment of women was simply because of their sex. Therefore, it was based on the sexism.Sexism carries the same basic meaning for all the feminists. Feminity is always associated with weakness, helplessness dependence, passivity, docility, subservience. Feminity, womanhood is a concept which has its roots in patriarchy which is Historical and social system. According to deconstructionists all systems and concepts are arbitrary, tentative and open for deconstruction. Culture plays a vital role in our country. The status of women in any nation portrays the progress of the particular nation. Indian women from the Vedic period to present status of achieving economic independence were yet due to many social, religious, cultural and political demands, still bound by shackles of certain tradition and rituals which distort her image. The influence of women was marked in every page of Hindu History, right from the most remote period. Literary women scholars like Apalla, Godha, Ghisa, Rousha, Vishwarhara, and others were all known and acknowledged for their intellectual and literary abilities. 


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