Published February 8, 2023 | Version v1
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Gait-related spectral perturbations across stages of split-belt treadmill adaptation

  • 1. University of Florida


This mobile brain body imaging experiment used high-density electroencephalography to investigate brain activity correlated to gait adaptation during split-belt treadmill walking. 30 participants completed an abrupt split-belt walking paradigm (2:1 belt speed ratio). Videos show gait-related spectral perturbations across stages of split-belt adaptation in group component clusters near the sensorimotor, posterior parietal, and cingulate cortices. 


Methods: Participants walked for 40 minutes on a treadmill with the following conditions: pre-adaptation (0.9 m/s), adaptation (left belt 0.6 m/s, right belt 1.2 m/s), post-adaptation (0.9 m/s). Event-related spectral perturbations (ERSP) were calculated using the minimum number of strides in each condition across subjects and time-warped to gait events. We normalized ERSPs by subtracting single trial average and grand condition average for each subject. We calculated group mean ERSPs by averaging across subjects. To smooth the data, we then took a 3-stride moving average. The ERSPs are plotted with a video frame rate of 16 fps.



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Dataset: 10.18112/openneuro.sd004475 (DOI)
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