Published February 6, 2023 | Version 1.2
Journal article Open

Lightning stroke rates, atmospheric electric potential gradient data, and Schumann resonance data corresponding to the eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha'apai volcano on January 15, 2022

  • 1. Institute of Earth Physics and Space Science (ELKH EPSS), Sopron, Hungary
  • 2. HeartMath Institute, Boulder Creek, California, USA
  • 3. Space and Remote Sensing, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
  • 4. Yerevan Physics Institute, Yerevan, Armenia
  • 5. Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
  • 6. Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA
  • 7. A. Alikhanian National Science Lab, Yerevan, Armenia
  • 8. Vaisala, Louisville, CO, USA
  • 9. Department of Physics, University of Évora, Portugal
  • 10. Department of Geophysics and Space Science, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary


This dataset contains measured data corresponding to the eruption of the Hunga Tonga - Hunga Ha’apai volcano on January 15, 2022.

Time series of lightning stroke rates and atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data were converted to 1-minute time resolution. The sampling rate of Schumann resonance (SR) records is specified below.



This file contains lightning stroke rates detected by Vaisala’s GLD360 lightning detection network on January 15, 2022 globally, except for the area (latitude [-22.5,-18.5] degrees North and longitude [-177.4,-173.4] degrees East).

Data in column ‘Datetime’ has the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59

Data in column ‘lightning strokes per minute‘ contains the number of detected lightning strokes in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Said et al., 2010



This file contains lightning stroke rates detected by Vaisala’s GLD360 lightning detection network on January 15, 2022 within the area (latitude [-22.5,-18.5] degrees North and longitude [-177.4,-173.4] degrees East).

Data format is the same as in the file GLD360_global_except_HT-HH_15January2022.txt

Reference: Said et al., 2010



This file contains lightning stroke rates detected by World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) on January 15, 2022 globally, except for the area (latitude [-22.5,-18.5] degrees North and longitude [-177.4,-173.4] degrees East).

Data format is the same as in the file GLD360_global_except_HT-HH_15January2022.txt

Reference: Rodger et al., 2006; Hutchins et al., 2012; Holzworth et al., 2019



This file contains lightning stroke rates detected by World Wide Lightning Location Network (WWLLN) on January 15, 2022 within the area (latitude [-22.5,-18.5] degrees North and longitude [-177.4,-173.4] degrees East).

Data format is the same as in the file GLD360_global_except_HT-HH_15January2022.txt

Reference: Rodger et al., 2006; Hutchins et al., 2012; Holzworth et al., 2019



This file contains PG data from University of Évora campus, Évora, Portugal (38°34'03.2"N 7°54'41.1"W).

Data in column ‘day + time’ has the format YYYY.MM.DD h:mm, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • h is the hour 0,1,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59

Data in column ‘PotG_Avg (V/m)’ is the mean PG value in the corresponding minute.

Data in column ‘PotG_Med (V/m)’ is the median PG value in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Silva et al., 2014; Conceição et al., 2018




These files contain atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data from the Kennedy Space Center, Florida, USA (28°30' N, 80°35' W).

Data in column ‘Date’ has the format YYYY-MM-DD, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • Data in column ‘Time’ has the format hh:mm, where
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59

Data in column ‘MeanPG1’ is the mean PG value from one subgroup of measuring locations in the corresponding minute.

Data in column ‘MeanPG2’ is the mean PG value from another subgroup of measuring locations in the corresponding minute.

Data in column ‘MedianPG_overall_accepted’ is the median PG value from quality-checked measuring locations in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Lucas et al., 2017; Wilson & Cummins, 2021



These files contain atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data from the Los Alamos National Laboratory (35°52' N 106°19' W).

Data in column ‘Datetime’ has the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59

Data in column ‘PG [V/m]’ is the mean PG value in the corresponding minute.



This file contains atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data from the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory, Hungary (47°37'54.8"N 16°43'04.6"E).

Data in column ‘Datetime’ has the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59

Data in column ‘PG [V/m]’ is the mean PG value in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Sátori et al., 2013; Bór et al., 2020




These files contain atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data Geophysical Observatory in Świder, Poland (52°07' N, 21°14' E).

Data in column ‘SAMPLE’ is the minute of the day 0,1,...,1439

Data in column ‘Ez(V/m)’ is the mean PG value in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Kubicki et al., 2016



This file contains atmospheric electric potential gradient (PG) data from Yerevan Institute of Physics, Yerevan, Armenia (40°12' N, 44°29' E).

Data in column ‘Datetime’ has the format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59

Data in column ‘PG  [kV/m]’ is the mean PG value in the corresponding minute.

Reference: Chilingaryan et al., 2010; Mkrtchyan et al., 2020

This file contains Schumann resonance (SR) data from Alberta station (51o53’ N, 111o28’ W) of the Heartmath Institute.

This file contains SR data from Baisogala station (55o37’ N, 23o42’ E) of the Heartmath Institute.

This file contains SR data from Boulder Creek station (37o11’ N, 122o7’ W) of the Heartmath Institute.

This file contains SR data from Hluhluwe station (28o3’ S,  32o19’ E) of the Heartmath Institute.

This file contains SR data from Northland station (35o6’ S, 173o29’ E) of the Heartmath Institute.

In each of these archives, there are data files with names XXX_220115_hh00_OK.txt, where

XXX is the name of the archive. It also identifies the recording station.
220115 is the date of recording, 2022, January, 15
hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
00 is the minute (always zero)

These files contain Schumann resonance data from the hour identified by the ‘hh’ value.

In these files, data in column ‘Time’ has the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.micros, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59
  • micros is the zero added microsecond 000000,000001,...,999999

Data in column ‘HNS’ contains bandpass filtered (2-45 Hz) time series in pT corresponding to the north-south magnetic field component (sampling frequency: 130.2083 Hz). Due to the filtering, Nan values appear at the beginning and end of each file.

Data in column ‘HEW’ contains bandpass filtered (2-45 Hz) time series in pT corresponding to the east-west magnetic field component (sampling frequency: 130.2083 Hz). Due to the filtering, Nan values appear at the beginning and end of each file.




This file contains unfiltered SR data from Northland station (35o6’ S, 173o29’ E) of the Heartmath Institute.

In this archive, there are data files with names NOR_220115_hh00_OK.txt, where

NOR identifies the recording station.
220115 is the date of recording, 2022, January, 15
hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
00 is the minute (always zero)

These files contain Schumann resonance data from the hour identified by the ‘hh’ value.

In these files, data in column ‘Time’ has the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.micros, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59
  • micros is the zero added microsecond 000000,000001,...,999999

Data in column ‘HNS’ contains raw measured time series in pT corresponding to the north-south magnetic field component (sampling frequency: 130.2083 Hz). 

Data in column ‘HEW’ contains raw measured time series in pT corresponding to the east-west magnetic field component (sampling frequency: 130.2083 Hz).


This file contains Schumann resonance data from the Széchenyi István Geophysical Observatory, Hungary (47°37'54.8"N 16°43'04.6"E).

In this archive, there are data files with names NCK_220115_hh00_OK.txt, where

NCK is the name of the archive. It also identifies the recording station.
220115 is the date of recording, 2022, January, 15
hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
00 is the minute (always zero)

These files contain Schumann resonance data from the hour identified by the ‘hh’ value.

In these files, data in column ‘Time’ has the format YYYY/MM/DD hh:mm:ss.micros, where

  • YYYY is the 4-digit year
  • MM is the zero added month 01,02,...,12
  • DD is the zero added day 01,02,...,31
  • hh is the zero added hour 00,01,...,23
  • mm is the zero added minute 00,01,..., 59
  • ss is the zero added second 00,01,...,59
  • micros is the zero added microsecond 000000,000001,...,999999

Data in column ‘EZ’ contains raw measured time series in digital units corresponding to the vertical electric field component (sampling frequency: 500 Hz). 

Data in column ‘HNS’ contains raw measured time series in digital units corresponding to the north-south magnetic component (sampling frequency: 500 Hz).

Data in column ‘HEW’ contains raw measured time series in digital units corresponding to the north-south magnetic component (sampling frequency: 500 Hz).

Reference: Sátori et al., 2013; Bór et al., 2020



HGS acknowledges the support given by Samuel Bárias with the maintenance of the Évora's JCI sensor and data recording. PG values recorded at Yerevan station, Armenia were extracted from the database of Cosmic Ray Division of Yerevan Physics Institute via ADEI multivariate visualization and correlation analysis platform. The authors wish to thank the World Wide Lightning Location Network (, a collaboration among over 50 universities and institutions, for providing the lightning location data used in this study. This contribution was supported by the National Research, Development, and Innovation Office, Hungary-NKFIH, project number NKFIH-K138824. This contribution was also financed by the Institute of Geophysics of the Polish Academy of Sciences with a subsidy from the Ministry of Education and Science. The research leading to these results has also benefited from data from the Institute of Earth Sciences (Évora Pole) - ICT under project (UID/GEO/04683/2013) with the reference POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690.



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