Modern Studies of Academic Culture in the System of Higher Education
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to analyse modern studies dedicated to the state of academic culture in conditions of transformative tendencies and institutional changes of the last decades. Research methodology prognosticates the historiographical analysis and synthesis usage, that enable the critical study of scholars’ scientific achievements, who deal with the problem of academic culture and environment, comparing the obtained results for establishing the investigation completeness of the theme; problematic and topic analysis that helps to reveal the palette of themes and problems, which appear around the situation with academic culture transformation, as well as to make connection between them and institutional changes as a challenge; dialectical method, on the base of which the close interdependence of cultural-value, educational and organisational aspects of academic environment in modern universities is revealed. Scientific novelty. In this article modern foreign experience of understanding challenges and problems has been studied for the first time in the aspect of their connection with the state of academic culture in the 21st century. Conclusions. It is asserted that the transformative trend of the last years has caused changes in academic culture, that boosted a lot of universities to informative-institutional openness, practical orientation in the educational process, in particular, intensified the dynamics of their development. The complex of questions connected with the changes in the image of academic culture has been highlighted (working-out “the academic culture of solving conflicts”, strengthening its axiological core; amplification of the corporative identity without losing the traditional academic base; development the respectful and mutual intercultural partnership and studying in contrast of the academic imperialism; putting attention on the national peculiarities of academic culture on the background of processes of globalization and internationalization of higher education etc.), and also, ramified methodological tools that are used by modern researchers of academic culture.
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