Published December 21, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Educational Innovations in the Teaching of the Philosophy Course in a Higher Education Institution During the Current War of russia Against Ukraine

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to highlight the results of the work of the lecturers of the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts (KNUC&A) on the modernisation of the content and teaching methods of the “Philosophy” course during the current war between russia and Ukraine and the introduction of martial law in Ukraine. The article states that teaching the “Philosophy” course in higher education institutions is a powerful resource for the formation of general competencies of a future graduate; one of the main tasks that a lecturer of this discipline should be guided by is the national and patriotic education of young people as a carrier of Ukrainian identity. After russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the urgency of the outlined needs stimulates the search for innovative ways of their implementation in the educational environment, the development and discussion of the available educational and methodological experience. The research methodology includes such methods as observation, analysis, synthesis, and generalisation; elements of ascertaining and forming pedagogical experiments are involved. The scientific novelty of the study consists in familiarising the educational community with the experience of teaching the “Philosophy” course at the Department of Philosophy and Pedagogy of KNUC&A in wartime, with updating the content of the discipline and its teaching methods in accordance with the values that were actualised due to the full-scale war unleashed by russia. Conclusions. The article demonstrates that updating the content of the course, affirming the idea of the strength and power of the Ukrainian spirit in the process of its teaching, highlighting the weakness and vulnerability of the enemy, “derussification” of the content of the discipline and methodical materials, creating a Ukrainian-language communication space, encouraging students to engage in new forms of visual interaction and verbal communication, active introduction of online educational platforms, tolerant and objective attitude to student assessment — all this together increases the educational potential of the discipline, form general competencies of social and patriotic orientation, has a powerful psychological resource.



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