Published December 21, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The Transformation of Female Image-Symbols in the Modern Ukrainian Visual Culture: the Time of Independence

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to consider and study the transformation of female image-symbols as a manifestation of cultural form in the visual culture of modern Ukraine, to outline their features; to reveal their influence on the life of the people as a whole and female representatives in particular; to establish relationships between the images of visual culture and the lives of Ukrainian women, who are the prototypes of their creation. Research methodology. The following theoretical methods of scientific knowledge are applied: analysis (to determine the essence and features of female image-symbols of the visual culture of Ukraine, the reasons for their formation, to identify the relationships and consequences for culture and society); synthesis (to combine the collected facts and research materials into a single whole for the comprehensive coverage of the issue of creation, transformations, and manifestations of the studied images). With the help of the empirical method, a generalisation and comparison are carried out, namely, the comparison of the forms of expression of visual images of women, their characteristics according to the time of creation, place, and manifestation in creative work, socio-cultural sphere and other spheres of human life, tracing similarities and differences. The hermeneutic research method with semiotic understanding was used to interpret the images and their symbolic meanings. Scientific novelty. The article is the first attempt to conduct a general cultural analysis of female image-symbols in the visual modern culture of Ukraine, their transformation and influence on a person as a subject and carrier of culture, in particular on women, are traced. Conclusions. The author of the article considers and analyses the transformation of female image-symbols as a manifestation of the cultural form in the visual culture of modern Ukraine, identifies their features, traces changes taking into account the development of society and culture; reveals their influence on the life of the people as a whole and female representatives in particular; determines and studies relationships, factors of influence and conditions of their creation.



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