Published December 21, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

An Archetypal and Narrative Approach to the Socio-Humanitarian Development of Ukraine under Martial Law

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to present the author’s vision of the role and significance of national cultural archetypes of the Ukrainian people, which form the socio-humanitarian narrative basis of the information space of resistance and cohesion of Ukrainian citizens in the war unleashed by the Russian Federation. The research methodology is focused on the application of the archetypal and narrative approach as the latest methodology for understanding the socio-humanitarian development of Ukraine at the current stage; the systematisation of the main groups of archetypes according to the degree of use in domestic scientific and informational discourses; the extrapolation of new areas of activity of representatives of female and male archetypes of the Ukrainian people, which are typical for the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The scientific novelty of the article is to substantiate the archetypal and narrative approach as an innovative research and priority direction of the spiritual and cultural development of Ukraine under martial law aimed at revealing the individual and collective unconscious in the collective image of the Ukrainian people, which demonstrates unprecedented examples of courage, unity, resilience, and heroism through the prism of the manifestation of national cultural archetypes. The study describes and presents the latest narratives of the socio-humanitarian development of Ukraine under the brand of the country of dignity, resilience, will, and freedom. ConclusionsThe study demonstrates that national cultural archetypes determine the worldview of the Ukrainian people and, in emergency situations, work as a strong armour for the care and protection of national identity, the socio-humanitarian aura of the nation, and the space for spreading the latest narratives of Ukraine in the war against the occupying state. It is proved that, without changing their nature, archetypes are not eradicated from the individual and the collective unconscious, but provide continuity of generations, preserving and transforming the fundamental values of the ethnos.



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