Practices of Preserving the Historical and Cultural Heritage of the City of Uman
The purpose of the article is to analyse the typology of Ukrainian historical cities in the context of historical and cultural processes and determine the features of interaction of the city with its historical heritage. The article attempts to establish the relationship between the historical and cultural environment of the city of Uman and modern trends in its preservation and use. In the 21st century, an important issue of the development of the urban space is the expedient operation of cultural resources, in particular the historical and cultural heritage, since preserved urban forms perform not only a representative function but are the generating basis for economic, cultural, and social development. The research methodology is based on the use of cultural and historical approaches. The cultural method is used to analyse the relationship of historical and cultural heritage with the modern urban space. The historical method is related to the study of sources devoted to the analysis of practices of preserving the historical heritage of cities. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the fact that for the first time the historical typology of Ukrainian cities was applied to determine the theoretical and practical features of the relationship between the historical heritage of the city of Uman and its urban space. Conclusions. It is proved that the preserved historical and architectural complexes, the Sofiyivka National Dendrological Park and the Historical and Cultural Complex of Bratslav Hasids are the symbolic capital of the city of Uman. Due to their popularity among tourists, the city of Uman belongs to the type of “history as a symbolic capital of the city”. It is proposed to introduce the tradition of annual festivals dedicated to Polish-Ukrainian and Jewish-Ukrainian cultural ties to improve the quality of preserving common historical and cultural memory, improve intercultural communication and expand the worldview of all participants. The practice of preserving historical monuments should be based on the experience of the best architects, historians and taking into account the requests of residents, pilgrims, and tourists.
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