Published December 26, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Ivan Uryvskyi's the Stone Host Performance in the Intertextual Parallels of the Domestic Theatre

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the study is to highlight the concepts of The Stone Host performance by Ivan Uryvskyi in the intertextual parallels of the national theatre.

Research methodology. It is based on general scientific methods: analytical (to study the specifics of the national drama and the concept of intertextuality), typological-structural (to analyse the stage history of Lesia Ukrainka’s drama The Stone Host), and phenomenological (to determine the originality and creativity of Ivan Uryvskyi’s directorial practice).

Results. Director Ivan Uryvskyi demonstrates the specifics of working with works of national drama. The stage space of The Stone Host is full of symbolism, which evokes associations, reflections, and reading of symbols in the audience. The article characterises the semantic parameters of national drama and defines the essence of the concept of “stage classics”. In particular, the modern director’s interpretation of the drama The Stone Master by Lesia Ukrainka is presented in the retrospective of the past and understanding of a certain tendency of the stage history. This performance is outstanding due to the deep cultivation of the intertextual field of the drama. The director removed the characters of this play from the romantic contours and placed accents in a new way. The intention of Donna Anna – “There is no will without power” – has become the leitmotif of the play, which is modeled contrary to the stage tradition and demonstrates a new quality of directorial thinking. The image of female vanity, reproduced in the play by I. Uryvskyi with the help of deformed sculptural monsters, appeals to modern social standards. Strength, power, and will is a triad that directs people’s path to success.

The scientific novelty of this article is determined by the introduction to the scientific circulation of The Stone Host play’s concepts, which is analyzed through the prism of intertextual layering of the stage history of this drama.



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