Published February 2, 2023 | Version v1
Report Open

Report: IEA Wind TCP Task 32: Comparative Exercise on Ground Based Lidar in Complex Terrain

  • 1. Energiewerkstatt e.V.
  • 2. Meteotest AG
  • 3. Deutsche WindGuard Consulting GmbH
  • 4. Ramboll Deutschland GmbH
  • 5. Vaisala France
  • 6. Green Power Investment


Report on the results of a comparative exercise, conducted from 2019 to 2022 in the framework of IEA Wind Task 32/52 “Wind LiDAR”, for the application of vertical profiling wind LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) in complex terrain and of correction methods to reduce the errors and uncertainties of LiDAR at such sites.


Task 32 comparative exercise on ground based LiDAR in complex terrain.pdf