Published January 31, 2023 | Version 3.0
Software Open

SPLENDID: Supporting Parallel LLVM-IR Enhanced Natural Decompilation for Interactive Development

  • 1. Princeton University
  • 2. Argonne National Lab
  • 3. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
  • 4. Northwestern University


The artifact for this paper contains tools and data to reproduce, with minimal effort, the entire testing flow and corroborate its claims. All results can be generated from scratch (source codes) and run across different platforms with the provided docker image. The pre-built docker image supports runs across different platforms with software dependencies taken care of, including a pre-compiled copy of the proposed decompiler, its variants, state-of-the-art decompilers used for comparison, and miscellaneous software such as vim and python. We provide an easy top level interface, \textit{} to simplify the testing process.



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