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Published June 28, 2022 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D1.3 Ethical and social impacts-driven horizon scanning of new and emerging technologies Reflections and proposals on models and practices

  • 1. Associazione Italiana per la Ricerca Industriale
  • 2. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
  • 3. AIT Austrian Institue of Technology


  • 1. CEA
  • 2. TUD


This report provides a critical review of horizon scan studies on future technological developments performed by research institutions, businesses, and policy organisations at transnational (EU) and international levels. This served different purposes:
1) Find common practices and learn from the pros and the cons that horizon scanning can bring
2) Develop a model to carry out a horizon scan informed by potential social and ethical impacts (the TechEthos approach)
3) Distil a reasoned list of high socio-economic impact technology families, ordering and clustering hundreds of future technologies spotted by these studies.


TechEthos D1.3 ImpactsdrivenHorizonScan_Jun2022.pdf

Files (2.6 MB)

Additional details


TechEthos – Ethics for Technologies with High Socio-Economic Impact 101006249
European Commission