Published January 31, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Dataset for "Weakening of western disturbances in response to polar sea ice melt in climate model simulations"

  • 1. Centre for Atmospheric Sciences, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, New Delhi 110016, India
  • 2. Department of Meteorology, University of Reading, Reading, UK


The dataset is divided up into the four ZIP folders listed below.

1. Western Disturbance (WDs) tracks: This contains all tracks of WDs during December to February from the CAM5 experiments (CTRL and SIME). The years mentioned in CAM5 are model years and don’t have any resemblance with the actual calendar years. There are four realizations each for CTRL and SIME. Each realization can be understood from the filenames ( _PERT1, _PERT2, _PERT3, PERT4). The CAM5 realizations are run for three annual cycles for four realizations. The WDs tracks are extracted from the Lagrangian tracking algorithm developed by Hunt et al. (2018) [Hunt, K. M., Turner, A. G., & Shaffrey, L. C. (2018). The evolution, seasonality and impacts of western disturbances. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 144(710), 278–290.]

2. Temperature (T): This contains December - February mean temperature simulated by the CAM5 CTRL and SIME experiments. The data is averaged over three annual cycles of model runs for the four realizations.

3. Zonal wind (U): This contains the December - February mean zonal wind data for all CAM5 experiments (CTRL and SIME). The data for each realization of CAM5 CTRL and SIME experiment are provided. The data is averaged over three annual cycles of model runs.

4. Meridional wind (V): The meridional wind data data from CAM5 model simulations (similar to the zonal wind data)



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