Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Prospects for the Development of Electronic Resources for Social and Communication Activities of Information Institutions in Ukraine and the World

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the prospects of the development of electronic resources for social and communication activities of information institutions in Ukraine and the world.

Research methodology. General scientific and special research methods were used, in particular analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, and system-structural analysis.

Scientific novelty. It is determined that electronic information resources in the form of digitized documents are currently the most effective form of involvement in the scientific circulation of huge arrays of documents contained in the funds of state archives of Ukraine for social and communication activities of information institutions. Measures to ensure the development of information potential in the context of digitalization are proposed.

Conclusions. Thus, such types of electronic resources as local, network and electronic resources of combined distribution are distinguished. It has been clarified that among the virtual representations in the virtual information space, a significant place belongs to the websites of information institutions. It has been established that information infrastructure is a means of interaction and exchange of information resources. It has been defined that information potential is an important resource that is positioned, disclosed and used to form new resources and products and ascertainment of information needs of modern users. It has been clarified that the result of the introduction of information potential in the context of digitalization can be the formation of a single regional consolidated information resource with a single format for presenting data based on the use of modern digital platforms, increasing the level of development and application of information potential in general. It has been determined that to further ensure the development of electronic resource potential, it is necessary to consider the possibility and organization of interaction between a library, archival and museum institutions in the modern information and communication environment.



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