Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Media Library as a Resource Center for Quality Assurance of the Educational Process

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The purpose of the article is to study the activities of media libraries in the context of the educational process, as well as to highlight modern innovative approaches to the organization of a qualitatively new educational space.

Research methodology. In the process of the study, general scientific methods such as hypothetical method, method of analysis and synthesis were used, which allowed the author to analyze the activities of media libraries in the educational context in terms of resource provision of the quality of the educational process.

The scientific novelty of the research is to highlight modern approaches to the organization of innovative educational space with the involvement of information technology to provide quality information services aimed at educational and scientific activities.

Conclusions. The educational component is a priority in the activities of libraries, so it is important to provide access to quality scientific and educational information. In addition to providing a wide range of information services, the library should be a space for communication between different social groups to promote education and implement the concept of lifelong learning. Thanks to the activities of the Ukrainian Library Association, which signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Ministry of Digital Transformation to promote the development of digital literacy, a large number of libraries in Ukraine have become educational hubs for improving the digital skills of the population based on the platform Diia. Digital Education. Most Ukrainian libraries are implementing educational projects aimed at improving knowledge in various fields of science and culture. This article reviews and analyzes the domestic and foreign experience of media libraries as educational hubs aimed at creating and providing access to qualitatively new educational content.



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  • Diia. Digital Education. Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 07 August 2022].
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