Published January 31, 2023 | Version v1
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If Our Mathematical Universe Is Topological, Complex Coordinates With Real Plus Imaginary Parts Will Enable Time Travel And Magnify Learning Exponentially

  • 1. Member of ResearchGate and ORCID, Certificates in Astrophysics from ANU (Australian National University), Certificates in Robotics from QUT (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)




Cosmologist, physicist, and mathematician Max Tegmark of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA) hypothesizes that mathematical formulas create reality. According to Wikipedia, Prof Tegmark's MUH (mathematical universe hypothesis) is: Our external physical reality is a mathematical structure. (1) That is, the physical universe is not merely described by mathematics, but is mathematics. Mathematical existence equals physical existence, and all structures that exist mathematically exist physically as well. His categorization of the universe has four levels, with level 4 being altogether different – from physical constants and quantum branches - equations or mathematical structures.


These “altogether different mathematical structures” are, in this article you’re reading, proposed to be two-dimensional (2D) Mobius strips that are formed by the binary digits of 1 and 0 aka base 2 maths, and are joined as pairs into figure-8 Klein bottles which are mathematically immersed in the 3rd dimension. Then the photons and gravitons (electromagnetic and gravitational waves and fields) created by – respectively – trillions of strips and trillions of bottles interact via Vector-Tensor-Scalar Geometry to produce a united space-time (in Einstein’s term, a Unified Field) and every form of mass, including the Higgs boson and dark matter. They also interact via the Riemann hypothesis, Wick Rotation, and – in the production of other dimensions which are home to dark energy and dark matter which interact with the known dimensions - the Mobius Matrix.


This Unified Field will immeasurably boost knowledge. All the knowledge that ever existed or shall exist is “out there” and every person, being part of the unified field, will sooner-or-later learn how to access the deepest past and the remotest future. It will be proposed that time travel – both to any bygone century or to any century ahead – will physically confirm or refute claimed knowledge. Astrophysicist Jeff Hester – famous for the photographs he took using the Hubble Space Telescope – wrote in his “Astronomy” magazine column about 5 years ago that although knowledge is constantly changing, the methods of acquiring knowledge remain the same. When the unified field joins forces with physical time travel into the past as well as the distant future, learning new things will be done in radically different ways eg we’ll no longer be completely dependent on learning through bodily senses like sight and hearing, or through university training.



Question – how does the Riemann hypothesis support faster-than-light travel in space and trips into the past / future? Answer – using the axiom that there indeed are infinitely many nontrivial zeros on the critical line (calculations have confirmed the hypothesis to be true to over 13 trillion places), the critical line is identified as the y-axis of Wick rotation (see the text accompanying Fig. 4). This suggests the y-axis is literally infinite and that infinity equals zero. In this case, it is zero distance in time and space (again, see the text accompanying Fig. 4). Travelling zero distance is done instantly and is therefore faster-than-light travel. Wick rotation is essential to this article’s description of a topological (mathematical) universe and the Riemann hypothesis’ identification with Wick means the hypothesis doesn’t just apply to the distribution of prime numbers but also applies to the fundamental structure of the mathematical universe’s space-time. It doesn’t apply to space alone but to time too (Einstein’s Relativity leads to faster-than-light travel making time travel possible).



This article also addresses antigravitons and the static universe, as well as answering the criticism that the natural and the artificial shouldn't be mixed. The discussion takes the view that “natural” and “artificial / technological” are the same thing – and explains HOW they are the same thing.


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