Published December 28, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Public Libraries of the United Territorial Communities of Odesa Region in Conditions of Martial State: Activity Peculiarities

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine


The aim of the article is to highlight peculiarities of public libraries activity in Odesa region, taking into account the martial state conditions, and paying special attention to the main directions of their work processes since the full-scale invasion of Russian troops.

The methodology of this research is based on general scientific principles of theory and practice unity, systematicity and complexity of cognition. In order to achieve the set goal, the usage of methods on research empirical and theoretical levels has been applied: general scientific methods (description, analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalisation), and special ones (information collecting and processing of the selective observation, content analysis).

The scientific novelty of this study grounds on the generalisation and systematisation of new and certain data about public libraries activity in Odesa region in martial state conditions.

Сonclusions. It is confirmed that in conditions of full-scale invasion, as well as war with Russia in total, public libraries of Odesa region, essentially, have transformed into important foundations of life activity in OTC (Odesa territorial communities), media- and cultural centres, territories of co-creation, understanding, psychological comfort and security owing to support of communities and other colleagues by interest. It has been shortly described that overcoming the serious challenges and threats, nowadays, public libraries space of the region is positioned not only as a space of enlightenment and tolerance, culture, science and education, but also as a national-patriotic and anti-crisis hub of support, consolidation and growth of the social and human capital. The attention is put on the fact that during the war public libraries stand in solidarity with communities, use all efficient forms and methods of cooperation for helping communities relying on their own work developments and experience. It has been determined that in the aspect of cooperation with local self-government structures, public libraries of Odesa region actively promote the formal and non-formal education, self-education and community progress, as well as popularise reading and give access to the book fund, perform their functions as cultural centres (lectures, discussions with different specialists, book exhibitions, master-classes, creative meetings, etc.), conduct events and classes of national patriotic education, support the Armed Forces of Ukraine, provide informative and consulting support, help refugees and internally displaced people with all possible fast adaptation to the new place and integration into the local community.



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