Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Quality of Vegetable Puree Soups with Protein-containing Raw Materials

  • 1. National University of Food Technologies, Ukraine


Topicality. Soups are an integral part of a person’s daily diet. Therefore, they are a required menu component of most public catering establishments. Nowadays, there are approximately 150 types of soups in the world, which are divided into more than 1000 types, each having several variations. Soups are nutritious, but, at the same time, they are light. Soups are absorbed fast, they warm well, and help to improve digestion. Compared to frying, boiling vegetables, mushrooms, meat and poultry, much more nutrients are preserved in soups. In addition, soups are usually lower in calories than full-fledged second courses. Still, at the same time, they are not inferior to them in terms of nutrients.

The aim of the study is to research the quality indicators of soups with the use of beans, namely physico-chemical, organoleptic and biological. Comparison and evaluation of experimental samples (soups with the use of soy, lentil and beans) has been conducted.

When writing this article, the following research methods have been used: standard methods of organoleptic profile analysis, calculation, mathematical and statistical methods.

Results. Recipes of soups have been substantiated and elaborated, their organoleptic evaluation and physico-chemical quality indicators have been studied. The analysis of the chemical composition and energy value of soups has been made. The indicators of carbohydrate load and amino acid content of soups have been calculated. The exponents of soup biological value have been given.

Conclusions and suggestions. This research allows to found the methods of chemical composition and organoleptic indicators improvement for pureed soups with beans use.



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