Research of Innovative Solutions for Updating Existing Business Models and Modern Service Technologies in Restaurant Business
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
Topicality. The relevance of the chosen research centers in the specifics of the restaurant business as a part of the service industry, which involves not only improving the quality of human life, but the introduction of modern service technologies by updating existing business models as well.
The aim of the study is to analyse the current situation of innovative solutions for updating existing business models, and the usage of modern service technologies in order to improve the efficiency of restaurant business establishments abroad and in Ukraine.
Research methods combine the systematisation of information causing the restaurant business industry formation and development. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is formed by scientific concepts and theoretical elaborations of blighty and foreign scholars in the field of analysis of enterprises activity, service technologies, and laws of Ukraine.
Results. The article highlights the tendencies of updating existing business models and modern service technologies of Ukrainian companies in the restaurant business sphere. The advantages of innovative and updated business models range in the restaurant business field, such as reducing manual labour and improving the quality and speed of customer service, creating strong brands, developing key business areas, amendment of the life quality, elaborating promising business concepts have been indicated.
Conclusions and discussion. The scientific novelty of the article bases on identifying the necessity of innovative solutions in order to update existing business models and use innovative service technologies for improving the efficiency of restaurant business establishments. The practical significance consists in determining the basic principles of modern technologies implementation depending on the type of innovation and the model of establishment.
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