Published December 27, 2022 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Cyber Protection of Hotel Brands

  • 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • 2. State University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine


Topicality. The hotel industry suffered significant financial shifts during pandemic, which have been exacerbated by the martial law in Ukraine. The problem of protecting intangible assets has become relevant, in particular, in conditions that some blighty hotels have Russian beneficiaries, and certain international brands have remained their activity in Russia, which unleashed a full-scale war in Ukraine. In addition to physical destruction, hotels have also become the subject of information war and cybercrimes. Therefore, the issue of brands cyber protection has become an important component of the development strategy, over and above, in digitalisation sphere. The topicality of this research lies in cyber threats identification, as well as determination of the main aspects of protection against them. All this mentioned above is based on scientific positions and practical reviews.

 The aim of the study and its methods. The aim of the article is to research the essence of brands cyber protection, and found the mechanism of its provision. Interpreted for the research, the scientific topic has determined the use of general scientific and special methods, which made it possible to define operational definitions, and build a hypothetical study apparatus. Thus, the methods of analysis, synthesis and induction have beed used in order to formulate theoretical approaches. A horizon scanning method has been applied to assess cyber threats and the potential impact of digital innovations on cyber defence capabilities. In turn, modelling has been used for creating a hotel brand cyber defence referent model. In the process of forming a visual scenario of foresight of hotel brands cyber protection in the aspect of digital technologies development, the technological road map method has been applied. It is based on apriori plots and points of critical decisions.

Results. The definition of “cyber protection” has been worked out, its main elements have been determined. The emphasis has been placed on digital communications as key drivers of the sales system, which provoke risks for the hotel brand security. In dynamics, the parameters of hotel brands operating in Ukraine have been evaluated. The sources of support for hotel brands at formal and informal levels of communications, which ensure the hotel brand cyber security, have been characterised. The key problems of ensuring brands cyber protection in Ukraine have been considered. In particular, insufficient attention to risk management, which causes financial and reputational losses, as well as stoppages of hotel business processes, has been highlighted. Directions for increasing the level of cyber protection based on the use of cyber resilience tactics, oriented on brand carriers and cyber risk categories, have been offered, as well as measures in management of informal communication channels. Prospects for further research are the effectiveness evaluation of cyber protection management of hotel business entities on the background of the growth of cyber-attacks and cyber threats in Ukrainian digital space.

Conclusions and discussion. The conducted research demonstrates the relevance of scientific studies of the issue of hotel brand cyber protection, as it allows to study and scientifically substantiate the directions of creating strategic outposts, which is a necessary condition for maintaining consumer loyalty, and preventing financial and reputational losses for hotel business entities, additionally, avoiding bankruptcy. Used in this research, scientific works confirm the importance of brand protection in the digital space, which is an element of hotel economic security.



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