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Published January 24, 2020 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Audited financial statements increase the certainty and efficiency of decisions made by organizations

  • 1. European University of Tirana (UET)
  • 2. Banka Kombetare Tregtare


The quality and accuracy of financial information is very important in making the right
decisions by the parties that use this information during their activities. To conduct an
audit, the information must be in a verifiable form and have certain standards / criteria
by which the auditor can evaluate the information. Managers of various levels within
the organization, shareholders, investors, creditors, government, are all interested in the
quality and accuracy of the information contained in the financial statements. In the
exercise of their activities, financial auditors in Albania face problems that affect the quality
of the services they provide, especially problems related to the environment where they
operate and professional ethics, as the economic environment presents problems that create
difficulties in practicing the profession according to standards and professional ethics. Also,
an important challenge is educating business leaders on the long-term benefits of accurate
financial reporting that leads to increased business value, as well as raising their awareness
of the importance of establishing efficient internal control systems over financial reporting.



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Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.7582432 (DOI)