Manifestations of Drama in Feature Films
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts; National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, Ukraine
- 2. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the article is to study the manifestations of drama in feature cinema and to consider dramaturgy and conflict as the main aspects of feature cinema to form the interest of the audience. The research methodology is based on the use of analytical and systematic methods (to comprehend the basic principles of the conflict as a result of the theoretical material’s study and analysis of its interpretation specifics in the artistic structure of the film and to determine its place in the construction of a film); method of theoretical generalization (to summarize the manifestation of drama in feature films and its role in shaping the interest of the audience). Scientific novelty. The modern film industry is built on a variety of stories based on the drama of the plot, which is built on conflict (conflict between peoples, countries, and worlds). The modern literature, in particular of Ukrainian authors, has been processed, which made it possible to conclude the interest in the outlined topics in the context of national theoretical thought. Conclusions. Dramaturgy in feature films is a way of organizing the material and methods of dynamics of viewer interest. Dramaturgy, built by the modern needs of the viewer, forms the success and high rating of feature films. As a result of the theoretical sources analysis and consideration of individual examples of cinematographic art, it is possible to determine the fundamental differences in the construction of the collision of the screen spectacle with the literary work. Thanks to this, it was possible to outline the specific means by which the director or playwright of the film industry can achieve the goal.
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