Media Communication: Technologies of Application in Screen Discourse
- 1. Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
The purpose of the research is to analyze the communicative relationship of screen culture with the viewer, to determine the forms and means of media influence on the audience, to rethink the concept of “media manipulation” and to outline the importance of non-verbal semiotics on television. The research methodology is carried out by analyzing and synthesizing the activities of modern mass media based on: the empirical method, which is manifested in observing and comparing the general trends in the development of media communication processes; the method of theoretical substantiation of the screen arts work, in particular, television, in the context of the manifestation of special forms and means of communicative influence on the viewer; a systematic approach that allows analyzing, specifying, clarifying and generalizing all stages of the technology of using communication in the media. The scientific novelty is due to the identification of strategies and tactics for the use of various manifestations of verbal and non-verbal communicative influence by analyzing specific examples of television programs. The manifestations of wordless communication on television are analyzed in detail, the dialectic of the visual-verbal image on the screen is explained, and modern technologies of manipulation in the screen discourse are formed. Conclusions. In the course of the research, we have studied in detail the technologies of media communication and determined the dependence of typical forms of communication on audience targeting. With the help of deciphering the methods and means of communicative influence, the concept of media manipulation has been explained, and the importance of using NLP and neuromarketing technologies in the domestic media market has been proved. Specific tools of non-verbal semiotics have been revealed in the example of domestic political talk shows and their hosts.
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