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Published December 29, 2022 | Version v1
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In search of narrative identity: how writers construct their identity in narratives

  • 1. Kyiv National Linguistic University


The main problematic of this research falls within the paradigm of linguistic and narrative theory of literary discourse which focuses on the study of the relationship between language and consciousness in general and language and literary mind in particular. In recent Ukrainian and foreign narrative and poetological research, the ability of the narrative to identify the self of the subject narrating, to reveal not only the identity of the story or that of the character, but to contain the implicit elements of the author's self still awakens a great interest. Despite the quite exponential linguistic and narrative tradition in the study of literary discourse, the question of the writer's narrative identity and the mechanisms of its constitution in the narrative remain quite controversial. In this research paper I have explored the concept of the writer's narrative identity in the French modernist literary text production. I have revealed and analyzed the most significant narrative techniques of the author's narrative identity construction in the formation of the surrealist narrative reality. Such a narrative reality is distinguished by the symbolism and the figurative language being generated as a result of asymmetric relationships between linguistic units.


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