Published January 25, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Determination of Physico-Chemical Parameters of St. Nicholas River, Bayelsa State, Niger Delta, Nigeria

  • 1. Department of Agricultural Education, School of Secondary Education Vocational (SSEV) federal college of Education (Technical) Omoku, Rivers State, Nigeria.
  • 2. Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Niger Delta University, Wilberforce, Amassoma, Bayelsa State, Nigeria.


ABSTRACT: The Physicochemical parameters of St. Nicholas River were determined from October, 2020 to September, 2021. Three sampling stations were identified and used throughout the duration of the studies. They were Meinmokiri, Ebierewo-bugo and Egeinkiri sampling stations. The physicochemical parameters were measured in situ with Mercury in Glass Thermometer for Temperature, Hand held Digital Salinometer for  (Model AR8012) for Salinity, pH meter (Model PH-009(1)) for pH, Digital conductivity tester (Model AR8011) for Conductivity, TDS meter (Model AR8012) for Total Dissolved Solid, Digital Water Velocity meter (Model PF LV550) for Water Velocity, Secchi Disk for Transparency, Digital Depth Founder (Model SD-5) for Water Depth and Dissolved Oxygen Meter (Model OM-51-10) for Dissolved Oxygen. The mean values of the Physicochemical parameters of water at the three sampling stations are temperature; 29.98±0.550C, Dissolved Oxygen DO; 11.89±0.33mg/L, Biochemical Oxygen Demand BOD; 2.06±0.26 mg/L, Salinity; 16.80±2.06 PPT, Conductivity; 27.54±3.03µS/cm, Total Dissolved Solids TDS; 9.44±0.50mg/L, pH; 7.41±0.14, Water Depth; 0.58±0.06m, Transparency; 27.27±0.03cm and Water Velocity; 54.79±5.71m3/s. These physicochemical parameters values are comparable with other water bodies in the Niger Delta indicating contaminated waters. The contamination was caused by anthropogenic activities in terms of parameters assessed, therefore mitigation should be put in place for biodiversity conservation and sustainability of the ecosystem.



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