Published January 24, 2023 | Version v1
Dataset Open

COVID-19 Pandemic Twitter Discourse Full Dataset

  • 1. University of Geneva; ETH Zürich
  • 2. University of Geneva


This is the full dataset of all tweets collected for the project "The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Bordering Discourses Regarding Migration and Mobility in Europe". The dataset contains over 75 000. The codebook associated with the dataset can be found here: 

Further inquiries can be adressed to Marie-Eve Bélanger (

Summary of the research project:

This research project traces the evolution of migration and mobility control measures and their discursive justification in Europe as the global crisis provoked by the Covid-19 pandemic is unfolding. It is designed to show how multi-level decision-making structures and processes react to emergency situations, and how unforeseen systemic pressures disrupt political narratives about migration and mobility. Drawing on previous research on bordering discourses in Europe, we seek to identify the perturbing impact of an external shock, in this case the Covid-19 pandemic, on established discursive practices in national parliaments and among policy-makers regarding migration, mobility and border controls in Europe.


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