Parody in the Romanian animation theater
The article refers to the presence of parody in the animation theater in Romania. In the introductory part, the author talks about Mihail Bahtin’s concept of carnival culture, a category that also includes parody, a manifestation of the critical spirit, specific to animation theater of all times. The parody is inherent in the animation theater which, through its specific means, through the representation of the characters with puppets or marionets, makes a literary work written with “serious intentions” become ridiculous and funny. The parody ridicules both the “serious” themes and the mannerisms and ancient representation procedures in theater and opera, the grandiose style of play of some actors or opera soloists, etc. The article reviews some hypostases of parody in the drama of the genre, giving examples from the writings of Mihai Eminescu, George Călinescu, I.L. Caragiale, Vasile Alecsandri and some contemporary authors, as well as from the shows are based on the principle of parody.
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Additional details
- Bahtin, M. (1974). François Rabelais şi cultura populară în Evul Mediu şi în Renaştere. Bucureşti: Univers. (In Romanian)
- Banu, G. (1965). Gânditorul ca dramaturg. Însemnări despre teatrul lui George Călinescu. Teatrul, 5. (In Romanian)
- Călinescu, G. (1965). Teatru. Bucureşti: Editura pentru literatură. (In Romanian)
- Coroiu, I. (1986). Aventuri cu Scufiţa Roşie. Teatrul, 11-12. (In Romanian)
- Ducea, V. (1984). Frumoasele pasiuni electrice de Vladimir Simon, regia Irina Niculescu, scenografia Mioara Buescu. Teatrul, 10. (In Romanian)
- Ducea, V. (1985). Teatrul Ţăndărică, Lungul nasului. Teatrul, 2. (In Romanian)
- Gâtză, L. (1963). Teatrul de păpuşi românesc. Casa centrală a creaţiei populare. (In Romanian)
- Impe, J.-L. (1994). Opera baroque et la marionnette. Charleville-Mezieres: IMM. (In Romanian)
- Manuca, D. (n.d.). Eminescu, Omul de Teatru. (In Romanian)
- Oprişan, I. (2014). Asaltul cetăţii. Dosarul de securitate al lui George Călinescu. Bucureşti: Saeculum I.O. (In Romanian)
- Papu, E. (2005). Eminescu într-o nouă viziune. Iaşi: Princeps Edit. (In Romanian)
- Perpessicius. (1949). Teatrul lui Eminescu. Viaţa românească, 5-6. (In Romanian)
- Rusiecki, C. (2011, December 22). Bucurii pentru copii X 7 (II). Ba pentru adulţi! (In Romanian)
- Simon, V. (1983). O posibilă definire estetică a dramaturgiei teatrului de păpuşi. Teatrul, 7-8. (In Romanian)